Christmas 2022 Newsletter
Time flies and we have been busy with the first of our Christmas tasks: our Christmas newsletter. You can look forward to reading about Lucy's latest update from the Holy Land, Dr. Nour's latest outreach clinicbetween the two Palestinian villages of Alleban and Amoria and an update on Ben Hur and his poorly eye, amongst other news.
We are also really happy to say that we have filled two more of the trustee positions, but are still looking for ideally two more people to join as trustees, so please let us know if you or someone you know would be interested.
Please note that the deadlines for the posting of any Christmas Adoption Certificates are approaching fast, so if you plan to treat someone (including yourself) to the adoption of one of our gorgeous donkeys this Christmas, we suggest you put your order in as soon as possible.
To read the newsletter (printable PDF format), simply click on the image below.