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Many of you know it has been a very busy and very tough time just lately and although Lucy does her best to keep her supporters informed about all that happens, there is just such a lot to report. Everything is happening at such a fast pace in Israel.
Lucy's little sanctuary suffered an arson attack which led her to decide to move the sanctuary. Nearly everything is now ready at the new site - it's very exciting but we are still in need of more kind people to sign up to sponsor a plot of land for just £4/$5.30 per month!
Tragically Lucy's sanctuary also had to endure a virus that affected her little donkey herd by attacking the respiratory system.
A virus which, although so sadly took a little life, also led to the discovery of a miracle medicine, mostly thanks to a discussion with Marjorie Farabee.
You may know, we now produce interesting bulletins that go out in between newsletters. They are full of snippets of all the latest happenings and those who receive them have said they are a great success. They are also kindly produced and mailed out, wherever you are in the world, free of charge to our charity by one of our wonderful volunteers.
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